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Ponte Vedra Life

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February 1, 1972

South Ponte Vedra was Invited to a Meeting

Dick Oldenburg and Larry Picus drop off letters in all SPV mail boxes. Invitation to discuss burglaries and other problems.

Inna Heilman

February 1, 1972

Dear Property Owner:

Two years ago, we were able to buy three (3) lots on the ocean In South Ponte Vedra. We were the happiest people alive. We could hardly wait for the builders to complete the construction of our houses.

Finally on June 1, 1971, we moved in. Since we anticipated spending a lot of time at the beach with our families, we stretched our budgets to furnish our houses in good taste with all new furniture and appliances. But today we are two of the most disappointed property owners in St. Johns County.

We experienced [a little] pilfering during construction, but the roof fell in shortly after we furnished [our houses]. Thieves broke in and systematically looted both houses. Their haul included color TV‘s, water heaters, furniture, trail bikes, tools… You name it, they took it, including a Ford Station Wagon. Needless to say, that’s the last we saw of our belongings. The loss was in excess of $7,500.

The harassment did not stop here. Since the first break-in, there has been a series of break-ins and thefts. Windows and doors have been broken, barbecue stoves and beach furniture has been taken.

At this point, we had one of two choices: turn our property over to the burglars, or sell. But since we love the beach, we decided to make further attempts to protect our investment. After talking our problems over with the St. Johns County Police, we installed burglar bars on all the windows and replaced all exterior doors with solid doors with additional locks. In fact, we went to the extent of ordering heavy shutters to cover the sliding porch doors.

In spite of this, one of us suffered the latest indignity. Over the past weekend (1/29/72), a group of people broke into one of the houses and used it as a private hotel. After using all the beds and drinking whatever liquor was available, they left the house in a mess. Fortunately, the loss of personal property this time was minimal, but cleaning up the filthy mess left by these bums was pretty degrading.

Why are we writing you? We know we are not alone. Daily break-ins are commonplace in South Ponte Vedra. In fact, A1A is commonly known as Burglars Blvd. We have learned that during the holiday season, there were at least a dozen break-ins, four in one afternoon.

Terrible? It’s worse than that. It’s time for action! It is quite obvious the current police methods are ineffective and this crime problem is of common concern to every property owner in South Ponte Vedra. If you haven’t been robbed at this date, you could be the next victim.

Can anything be done to stop rampant crime wave? Yes. And it’s time we get together and take the proper action. We suggest a meeting of all property owners to take place at the Country Store on A1A within the next two weeks, preferably the 12th of February. It’s important that all property owners be present.

Please let us know if we can count on your support. Advise if you will be able to attend. Write to:

R. T. Oldenburg or Larry Picus
P. 0. Box 37150
Jacksonville, Florida, 32205


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